Enhancing Safety and Efficiency with the FlexPro 160 Expandable Barricade

Enhancing Safety and Efficiency with the FlexPro 160 Expandable Barricade

Enhancing Safety and Efficiency with the FlexPro 160 Expandable Barricade

When it comes to crowd control and safety, innovation and adaptability are essential. Meet the FlexPro 160, a durable steel expanding barricade designed to protect workers and customers in hazardous areas or during maintenance. With its collapsible design and a length of up to 4.9m, this barricade offers a practical solution for cordoning off large areas. Let’s explore its key features and benefits.

Compact Design, Expansive Reach:
The FlexPro 160 strikes a balance between compactness and reach. It’s around 50cm wide when collapsed, making it suitable for limited storage spaces. However, it extends to an impressive 4.9m

Lightweight Durability:
Built for long-term indoor use, the FlexPro features a sturdy frame made of steel and aluminium. This combination ensures durability while keeping it lightweight at just 13kg. Its robust construction guarantees reliability, and its lightweight design allows for easy transport, making it suitable for busy environments.

User-Friendly Features:
The FlexPro 160 offers user-friendly features. Its interlocking ends allow for the creation of long barricades by connecting multiple units easily. Equipped with six wheels, it’s highly portable and can be swiftly relocated. Once in place, the wheels can be locked for added stability, ensuring effective crowd control and safety.

Wall Mounting Option:
For added flexibility, the FlexPro 160 includes a wall mounting option, enhancing its adaptability in various crowd control setups. This feature allows you to securely attach it to a wall for temporary barriers or designated area security.

High Visibility OSHA Colours:
Safety is a priority, and the FlexPro 160 offers high-visibility colour options, including yellow/black and red/white combinations, to guide pedestrians and workers safely around restricted areas or potential hazards.

In conclusion, the FlexPro 160 is a versatile and practical crowd control solution. Its collapsible design simplifies storage and transport, and its extended length is useful for various applications. With user-friendly features, portability, wall mounting options, and high-visibility colours, the FlexPro 160 makes crowd control efficient and safe.

For more information, check out our FlexMaster 110 blog post, and explore our full range of Crowd Control Barricades in our barricades category.


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